exploring one of the greatest senses

Everyday surprises in the life of an amateur smeller

Monday, May 17, 2010

Smellrific is BACK!

The Good Smell: Peony Flowers
I don't know if you have ever smelled a peony flower, but it is a great smell experience. First off, the petals feel like silk and when you take a big whiff you fall even more in love with this bodacious flower. They bloom in the month of May and the beginning of June. It is a wonderful flower, so if you are thinking to plant one in your garden, make sure you wait until September... that is the perfect time.

The Bad Smell: Dog's breath
You love the dogs, but hate the breath. After all, they don't brush their teeth! No matter how bad their breath smells, the love for our furry friends will never change!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Whiff Announcement #9

The Good Smell:
I love love love this smell! I know many people who love the smell of coffee, but hate the taste. Well, I am a taste and smell fanatic for coffee. I have always wanted to work in a coffee shop so I could drink as much coffee as I wanted! Waking up to the smell of coffee is a real delight and a great start to a long day!

The Bad Smell:
The mystery smell in the fridge
Have any of experienced opening your fridge and smelling a foul odor and not knowing where it came from? I have. When I was in college, I neglected my fridge and smelled the moldy sour smell that lurked in it. Now I know to always keep my fridge clean so the "mystery" smell will never lurk in my presence.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Whiff Finding #8

The Good Smell:
Cigarette smoke
A memory is the reason that cigarette smoke is a good smell. When I was little, my grandpa was a regular addicted smoker. Whenever my family went to visit the grandparents, I always looked forward to the comforting smell of cigarette smoke. My grandpa used to leave cigarette butts in his recliner, so, as a young child always seeing my grandpa smoke I wanted to smoke as well. I took the cigarette butts and pretended I was smoking in my grandpas recliner. I am really thankful I never took that habit and ran with it like my grandpa. Still to this day whenever I smell cigarette smoke, it reminds me of my grandpa and the memory of smokin' in the recliner.

The Bad Smell:
Robitussin Cough Syrup
It's the middle of the night and I cannot stop coughing. Seeing the light come on in the other room, I know that my mom is getting out the "medicine" that will help me stop. The bedroom door opens and there is my mom with a spoon and ROBITUSSIN cough syrup in her hands. Pleading for a cough drop instead of this taunting red liquid, my mom pours the cough syrup onto the spoon... there is not turning back now. The lingering smell of this liquid is like poison and the taste is just as revolting. My mom's hand guides the spoon toward my mouth and I have no choice but to open my mouth and swallow. Plugging my nose, I swallow the foul liquid. Let me know if you have experienced this before... the smell and taste of Robitussin can never be forgotten. Thank goodness they made cough gels so we don't have to experience the wrath of the syrup and spoon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Odorific Discovery #7

The Good Smell:
I am sure all of us have experienced camping in one way or another. We all know that camping is not complete without a campfire! The aroma of the "Campfire" loves to infiltrate your clothes with a smoky outdoor smell. This smell has a special place in my heart!

The Bad Smell:
The stuff inside of trash cans
We all know the smell of a stinky trash can. The trash can itself does not smell but the things inside all mixed together leave a cringing odor. Whenever I smell the garbage, I always smell old bananas. I might even conclude that the odor of all the things in the trash end up smelling like old bananas. Unfortunately, I only have my own nose to make this conclusion. What do you think? Does your trash smell like old bananas?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Smell Encounter #6

The Good Smell:
Every-time I fill up, I always enjoy the smell of gasoline. I couldn't tell you why, but it always brings back good memories when I take a whiff.

The Bad Smell:
Stinky Feet
This smell makes me gag. Whenever I smell stinky feet, it reminds me of mold. I'm not really sure why, but it just does. I actually know a couple people to like the smell of stinky feet... the reason I will never know. To those of you who have stinky feet -->wear a pair of socks with your shoes and use Febreze.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Smell Observation #5

The Good Smell:
Fresh Cut Grass
Whether it's waking up to a person mowing the lawn or doing it yourself, no one can resist the smell of fresh cut grass. Some people don't like it, but I think it's a refreshing smell that is accompanied with spring and summer. I cannot describe how it smells, but I 'm sure everyone has experienced it.

The Bad Smell:
Cooked Cauliflower
This is a great veggie with an odor that can linger in your mouth and in the air... especially when it's cooked. Some people say it smells like sour milk and the best way to stop the smell while cooking is putting in a bay leaf. This is one of my favorite veggies, but it packs an odorous punch.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Smell Revelation #4

Good and Bad Smell:
The Skunk
Yes, all of us have experienced this smell. Most people experience this smell in their car, but I am sure people have had a share of their close encounters with this black and white nightmare of a creature. The truth is that I like this smell, and I know others who like it as well. I also know people who loath this smell. So, I decided to list it as both a good and bad smell. Here's a couple facts about these odorous creatures.

The skunk's scent glands are mature at less than one month of age.

Most animals avoid skunks. However, a notable exception is the Great horned owl, which does not appear to be deterred by skunk spray while foraging at night.

Not all skunks are black and white

The skunk's defensive spray contains sulfuric acid

Skunks will face a threat rather than run away. Unfortunately, their defense does not work against cars. Because of this, many skunks die on roadways (hence, that is why we smell them while we drive)