exploring one of the greatest senses

Everyday surprises in the life of an amateur smeller

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Smell Revelation #4

Good and Bad Smell:
The Skunk
Yes, all of us have experienced this smell. Most people experience this smell in their car, but I am sure people have had a share of their close encounters with this black and white nightmare of a creature. The truth is that I like this smell, and I know others who like it as well. I also know people who loath this smell. So, I decided to list it as both a good and bad smell. Here's a couple facts about these odorous creatures.

The skunk's scent glands are mature at less than one month of age.

Most animals avoid skunks. However, a notable exception is the Great horned owl, which does not appear to be deterred by skunk spray while foraging at night.

Not all skunks are black and white

The skunk's defensive spray contains sulfuric acid

Skunks will face a threat rather than run away. Unfortunately, their defense does not work against cars. Because of this, many skunks die on roadways (hence, that is why we smell them while we drive)

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