exploring one of the greatest senses

Everyday surprises in the life of an amateur smeller

Friday, April 16, 2010

Whiff Finding #8

The Good Smell:
Cigarette smoke
A memory is the reason that cigarette smoke is a good smell. When I was little, my grandpa was a regular addicted smoker. Whenever my family went to visit the grandparents, I always looked forward to the comforting smell of cigarette smoke. My grandpa used to leave cigarette butts in his recliner, so, as a young child always seeing my grandpa smoke I wanted to smoke as well. I took the cigarette butts and pretended I was smoking in my grandpas recliner. I am really thankful I never took that habit and ran with it like my grandpa. Still to this day whenever I smell cigarette smoke, it reminds me of my grandpa and the memory of smokin' in the recliner.

The Bad Smell:
Robitussin Cough Syrup
It's the middle of the night and I cannot stop coughing. Seeing the light come on in the other room, I know that my mom is getting out the "medicine" that will help me stop. The bedroom door opens and there is my mom with a spoon and ROBITUSSIN cough syrup in her hands. Pleading for a cough drop instead of this taunting red liquid, my mom pours the cough syrup onto the spoon... there is not turning back now. The lingering smell of this liquid is like poison and the taste is just as revolting. My mom's hand guides the spoon toward my mouth and I have no choice but to open my mouth and swallow. Plugging my nose, I swallow the foul liquid. Let me know if you have experienced this before... the smell and taste of Robitussin can never be forgotten. Thank goodness they made cough gels so we don't have to experience the wrath of the syrup and spoon.

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