exploring one of the greatest senses

Everyday surprises in the life of an amateur smeller

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Smell Analysis #2

The Good Smell:
How you ever smelled the air before a thunderstorm? Well, it is one of my favorite smells. It's rain. I love the smell of rain. Rain is used metaphorically all the time, and there is a reason why. The smell of rain takes you to a different place. It changes your personality for the day (good or bad) and forces people to buy umbrellas. When I smell rain, it takes me to a place of cleanliness and renewal. Where does it take you?

The Bad Smell:
Love Spell Perfume from Victoria Secret
Now, many of your may think this perfume smells divine. "Why would you put is as a bad smell?" you might say. Well, remember how smells can remind you of a memory? This smell definitely reminds me of one. I will not go into details for it is too embarrassing, but I will say this. This particular perfume does not mix well with other smells. That is all I'm gonna say.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha thinking of you telling that story in your British accent makes me laugh!!!

    Rain, such a wonderful smell. I am not sure where it takes me. I guess it depends on the day. Some days it makes me feel relaxed. Some days it also takes me to a place of cleanliness and renewal. Some days it fills my head with childhood/college memories of playing in the rain. Most days it just makes me happy. I love rainy days!!! Rainy days are my favorite days!
