exploring one of the greatest senses

Everyday surprises in the life of an amateur smeller

Monday, April 5, 2010

What is a smeller?

Oh the sense of smell. I have lived for 24 years on this earth and cannot get enough of the wonderful world of smells.

I noticed my love for smells when I was a young girl. My grandmother made me a baby blanket that I carried around with me constantly. It was what you call a "security" blanket. The point to this rather embarrassing story is that I loved to smell it. I cannot tell you what I liked about the smell of my blanket but I know that from them on, smelling was one of my fortes.

Now, I know that I am not a legitimate "professional" smeller, but I would be confident in saying I was a pretty good amateur.

Some of you, I know are thinking "She is a big dork!"
The truth is... I am a big dork! But I do not doubt that you yourself have experienced a smell that means so much to you. Smells can bring back memories, good and bad. Smells have the power to relax and comfort. I know you can think of just one :)

Everyday, this blog will post a good smell and a bad smell. That is about it. Sometimes it might come with a personal memory or story of mine. Sometimes it might just say "I like the smell of my laundry!"

I must warn you, some might be weird and strange but if you think about it... smells are weird and strange.

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